What is the Enneagram and Why Would I Want To Know About It?

What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a tool to develop self-awareness in order to bring about deep transformation.  The Enneagram helps us “wake up” and know ourselves and others better. It is a well-known fact that people with a high sense of self-awareness, experience more success in their relationships and in their work environment. Self-awareness is the beginning of change.

By identifying which Enneagram type best describes your way of being in the world, you can become aware of the many habits that strengthen as well as limit you. Almost everybody runs on auto-pilot most of the time, unaware of why we do the things we do and why we say the things we say, causing us to stay stuck in the places where we long for freedom.

The Enneagram helps us understand how we see the world as well as how others we live with, and work with, see the world. There are nine different ways of seeing, thinking, hearing, and being. Not everyone sees the world like we do. Surprise! Knowing this one simple truth can lead to a more compassionate way of living life, including compassion for yourself.

There is some push back on the Enneagram. Some people ask, “Isn’t it a cult?” No, it is not a religion and there are no doctrines attached to it. “Won’t it just put me “in a box?” No again. The Enneagram actually helps you to get out of the box you are already in. And others worry that it just allows people to excuse and justify their bad behavior. It is not meant to allow a person to excuse their behavior by saying, “I’m a six so I ______”. That doesn’t lead to change or transformation, it leads to stagnation.

Who uses the Enneagram?
The Enneagram has ancient roots and has developed into a system for personality and spiritual development. The use of the Enneagram is currently growing to unprecedented levels. It is used by individuals as well as organizations. In the past fifty years, the uses of the Enneagram have been expanded into organizational development, education, psychotherapy, spiritual direction and many other fields.

How has the Enneagram helped me personally?
I have been working with the Enneagram for close to 3 years now. I am more open and less judgmental. I have more compassion for myself and others. I am less anxious and less fearful. I am much more patient. I understand my children, their spouses, my grandchildren and my husband better. In fact, as my husband and I pursue knowing ourselves better, using the Enneagram as a tool, many of the entrenched, unhealthy behavior patterns in our marriage have relaxed, and we are experiencing a deeper emotional intimacy. Who doesn’t want that? I am experiencing a more peaceful heart; a quieter mind and I am grounded and present in my body. And finally, the greatest benefit for me is that I am comfortable in my own skin. I know who I am and why I’m here.

If you are interested in learning more about the Enneagram and how it can help you excavate your True Self, please contact me. I’d love to join you on that journey!


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