What is the Enneagram?
What is the Enneagram? The Enneagram is a system for understanding nine patterns of personality. It helps us understand how we see the world as well as how others we live with see the world. There are nine different ways of seeing, thinking, hearing, and being. Not everyone sees the world like we do. Knowing this one simple truth can lead to a more compassionate way of living life.
The Enneagram is a tool that helps us “wake up” and know ourselves and others better. It is a tool of self-awareness. By identifying which personality type best describes your way of being in the world, you are better able to become aware of the habits of your personality that strengthen as well as limit you. The journey of knowing yourself improves relationships at home and in the workplace.
The Enneagram has ancient roots and has developed into a system for personality and spiritual development. In the past fifty years, the uses of the Enneagram have been expanded into organizational development, education, psychotherapy and many other fields.